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An invitation from my heart to yours to connect to the energy and medicine of Spring.  Honouring the rhythms of your whole being and the world around you. 


Listenning in closely to the wishperings of your soul as you receive the notes and vibrations of the Chalice. The chalice played during this meditation and guidance is C#, connected to the vibrations of the Earth itself. 


As moment of time to meet stillness and sanctuary, give yourself permission to journey through your inner landscapes cultivating and nurturing your spirit.  




CREATING YOUR SPACE: As you create your space to journey into the practice remember that there is great beauty in simplicity.


Depending on your own energy and the intentions of the practice you may be guided by your own intuition to settle indoors in the warmth, or even outside with the elements of Mother Earth upon your body.


Within your space, no matter where you are make sure that you feel safe, warm and free from as many worldly distractions as possible. Though sometimes it is these very distractions that we need to work alongside.


Consider welcoming in a flame of a candle, burning incense and crystals.

Have your journal close by and a fresh drink of water or herbal tea.


Before you begin clean your hands to help the energy move freely in and out of your heart, with purity.


Allow yourself to feel nurtured, empowered and honoured within your space.


Feel your body, mind and spirit arrive into the moment, wholeheartly. 

Spring Guidance & Sound Alchemy - 20 minutes

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